Envelope #3: What it takes to excel as an engineer

Happy Thursday. This is “Back of the Envelope” (or the Envelope for short) where I show you 1 or 2 SE-related tidbits in less than 5 minutes (estimated reading time = 3 minutes and 18 seconds for this email).

Today, I am going to talk about “what it takes to excel as an engineer.”

It came from a monthly newsletter by the current SEAOSD president, Bo Jaquess. (SEAOSD = Structural Engineer Association of San Diego).

According to Bo (and I agree with him), there are three main things (in that order):

  • 📧 Availability

  • 😊 Amiability

  • 🧮 Ability (yes that’s an emoji of an abacus because that’s what we use to run calcs)

I’ll focus on the first one.

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