Envelope #28 (Part 3): The virtuous cycle (and deadline to apply)

Quick celebration: Back of the Envelope has reached 600 subscribers this week!

Thank you for reading and sharing .

By the way, this is the final email regarding the “1+1=3 experiment” that I’ve been talking about – after that, we’ll go back to our regularly scheduled newsletter with mini lessons and tips etc.

  • In case you missed the previous emails, here are Part 1 and Part 2.

  • The TLDR version is that I am starting an online SE-only community site, and I am looking for 5 to 25 founding members to help build this thing together.

  • (Thank you if you’ve already applied to join! I’ll reach out next week.)

In the last email, I alluded that if this experiment works out, potentially there’s a win-win opportunity for SEs to earn a side income. I will explain the how in this email.

And by the way, this community will be called: SEHQ Pro (because it’s a professional community for SEs.)

(Estimated reading time = 5 minutes 😬. Skip to the bottom for an important deadline if you don’t have 5 minutes to read this right now)

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