Can you help me with this?

Happy Thursday! This is Back of the Envelope where I “usually” share a few things I learned recently related to structural engineering.

Today…. is a little different. I need your help with something.

Let me explain.

You know Disney+ has all those Marvel hero movies with their origin stories?

It got me thinking…

What about us?

Why did you become a structural engineer?

And what do you ultimately want to achieve in your career?

If you could take just a few minutes, please click the link below to answer a few questions. It’ll help me figure out how I can best contribute to our profession.

Your responses will be anonymous (or not, if you decide to enter your name and email at the end).

And, at the end of the survey, there’s a dad joke that my daughter came up with last night (I am so proud).

This shouldn't take more than a few minutes, and I will use your feedback to decide what to cover next on Back of the Envelope.

Thank you so much for helping me out!

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